During the planning phase, Beach Cities Health District (BCHD) staff formed a Community Working Group to help the board develop the project. This group of residents, leaders and stakeholders was selected to represent the various populations and organizations in the Beach Cities and served as a community sounding board and guidepost. The Community Working Group met 17 times from May 2017 to December 2020.
Community Working Group Purpose:
- Provide insight and feedback
- Receive updates and information
- Disseminate project and public meeting information to constituencies
Members are:
- An important resource for BCHD staff
- Invited to participate
- Voluntary contributors
- Representatives of key community stakeholder groups
- Ambassadors between the project and respective groups

Roles and Responsibilities
- Work within the established guiding principles of the project
- Provide input on:
- best methods to reach and engage respective constituencies
- perceptions and feedback received from broader constituencies
- refinements to the project
- Consider the interests of local and wider community
- Participate in open communication among differing parties
- Help move the planning process forward in the spirit of cooperation
- Regularly participate in Community Working Group meetings
- Understand the role of BCHD as a public organization and its regulatory obligations
Thank you to the following Community Working Group members for their participation during the three years of planning and conceptual design refinement of the Healthy Living Campus project.
Community Working Group Members:
- Sue Allard, Manhattan Beach (2017-2018)
- Jenny Attanasio, Manhattan Beach (2017-2018)
- Pat Aust, Redondo Beach
- Jan Buike, Manhattan Beach
- Craig Cadwallader, Manhattan Beach
- Walt Dougher, Manhattan Beach (2017-2019)
- Pat Dreizler, Redondo Beach
- Rick Espinoza, Redondo Beach (2020-present)
- Patrick Flannery, Redondo Beach
- Jacqueline Folkert, Redondo Beach
- Geoff Gilbert, Redondo Beach
- Laurie Glover, Redondo Beach
- Darryl Kim, Redondo Beach (2017-2018)
- John LaRock, Redondo Beach (2018-2020)
- Jim Light, Redondo Beach
- Jean Lucio, Redondo Beach
- Mark Nelson, Redondo Beach
- Dency Nelson, Hermosa Beach
- Lisa Nichols, Hermosa Beach
- Justin Pioletti, Redondo Union High School Student (2017-2018)
- Cindy Schaben, Redondo Beach
- George Smeltzer, Hermosa Beach
- Bruce Steele, Torrance
- Joanne Sturges, Manhattan Beach
- Rosann Taylor, Redondo Beach
- Pete Vlahakis, Redondo Beach (2017-2019)
- Kambria Vint, Hermosa Beach
Community Working Group Meetings
- May: Introduction
- June: CHF Subgroup Formation
- July: Campus Features Feedback
- August: CHF Preliminary Plans
- September: Refinements Reflecting Feedback
- November: Open House
- January: Nabih Youssef And Associates Presentation on Seismic
- March: BCHD Priorities & Study Circles
- June: Community Health Survey & Intergenerational Study Circle Recap
- August: LPA Presentation on spaces that promote activity/community
- January: Updated Master Plan
- February: Master Plan Financial Strategy
- April: Open House Recap
- June: Working with the City of Redondo Beach and Driveway Improvements
- December: Project Updates & How to Read an EIR Workshops
- June: Refined Master Plan
- December: DEIR Timeline