
Q& A About the Healthy Living Campus

Q: What comes next for BCHD after Measure BC was defeated?

A: Following the election, our team is exploring alternatives to replace revenue and reduce expenses as the old South Bay Hospital building is decommissioned in early 2027. This building has funded community health programs like social workers for older and disabled adults, LiveWell Kids and the Center for Health & Fitness. We continue to work on the Healthy Living Campus, launching a fundraising campaign for allcove Beach Cities, and proceeding with the due diligence period for the Residential Care for the Elderly and relocation of the Center for Health & Fitness. Unfortunately, we cannot fund the open space at this time. 

Q: How does BCHD plan to address the old South Bay Hospital building?

A: Safety is BCHD’s primary concern, and since the cost of retrofitting the former hospital building is not financially feasible, the District plans to demolish the building in 2027. In 2018, Youssef & Associates concluded that demolition of the 514 N. Prospect Avenue building is prudent due to its vulnerability and poor performance of similar buildings in past earthquakes. While not required, seismic updates are recommended. The Redondo Beach General Plan suggests such buildings be "upgraded, relocated, or phased out." Additionally, in February 2023, Los Angeles County supervisors initiated steps toward mandatory retrofitting of older concrete buildings. The building also faces escalating maintenance costs diminishing revenue used to fund programs and services.

Q: How is BCHD funded?

A: BCHD has a diverse funding structure, maximizing your tax contribution and allowing the District to provide residents with a wide range of community health and wellness programs. FY23-24 Incoming Funding:

•    33% ($5m) – Property Taxes
•    27% ($4.1m) – Property Leases
•    15% ($2.4m) – Grants, Interest 
•    14% (2.1m) – AdventurePlex/Center for Health & Fitness user fees
•    11 % ($1.7m) – Limited Partnerships

BCHD has maintained a balanced or surplus budget for the last decade. The only exceptions were during the pandemic, and those shortfalls were later reimbursed by FEMA. We are projecting a revenue shortfall two years from now when the old South Bay Hospital building is decommissioned and will address that shortfall through alternative revenue sources and expenditure reductions.

The District’s annual audits routinely report no issues and for the last five years, BCHD has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting award from the Government Finance Officers Association of the U.S. and Canada (GFOA).


Q: Why is Floor Area Ratio important to the Healthy Living Campus?

A: Floor Area Ratio (FAR) is the ratio of a building's total floor area to the size of the piece of land upon which it is built. It is often used as one of the regulations in city planning.

The City of Redondo Beach is considering implementing a maximum Floor Area Ratio in its General Plan on BCHD’s campus at 514 N. Prospect Avenue in Redondo Beach. In December, the Redondo Beach City Council voted 3-2 to approve an addendum to the Environmental Impact Report for its General Plan update, allowing up to a 1.25 floor area ratio (FAR) for BCHD’s property on N. Prospect Avenue. The City’s staff report indicated no new or significant environmental impacts with the BCHD Campus having a 1.25 FAR. BCHD hasadvocated for a uniform FAR for all public/institutional uses throughout this process. With this addendum, the City has the option to approve a 1.25 FAR cap for BCHD and other City properties in their Land Use Element in 2025.  


Q: Has BCHD released a construction schedule for the Healthy Living Campus?

A: No. A draft version of a construction schedule was made public by the City of Redondo Beach in response to a Public Records Act request. In February 2023, prior to its release, BCHD issued the following statement: “Any comments or information provided based on this schedule being made public is speculative.” As predicted, our opponent is taking this information as if it were finalized, when in fact it was a draft and subject to change.

The schedule was provided to the City as a courtesy for use by consultants hired to review documents related to the project. The cover note from our consultant, Nick Biro of Blue Mountain Development, speaks for itself: “this draft schedule… includes items that have not been fully worked out.” 


Q: Are seismic repairs required?

A: As of now, seismic updates are not required, but are a prudent move given the performance of non-ductile concrete buildings in recent earthquakes. A seismic report of the building can be found here: Nabih Youssef Seismic Evaluation

The Redondo Beach General Plan suggests non-ductile concrete frame buildings, such as 514 Prospect, should ultimately be "upgraded, relocated or phased out."

Related to this, on February 28, 2023, Los Angeles County supervisors took the first step toward approving mandatory earthquake retrofitting on certain older concrete buildings that include a defect discovered in the 1971 Sylmar earthquake that can lead to a catastrophic collapse. The measure targets "non-ductile" concrete buildings owned by the county and those located in unincorporated areas and calls upon officials to prepare new rules for such a mandate. The city of Los Angeles approved a similar retrofit requirement in 2015.


Q: What changes have been made in response to concerns from neighbors and the community about the project?

A: BCHD has made the following changes in response to public concerns and input from experts:

• The construction period was shortened from 15 year in 3 phases to six years in 2 phases;

• The number of units was reduced from 420 to 217;

• Underground parking was eliminated, partly due to concerns about the number of truck trips that would be necessary to remove soil for the excavation;

• The RCFE building was relocated from the eastern edge of the campus (overlooking Torrance) to the northern edge, where it backs up against the Vons shopping center;

• Open green space has been made a priority after study circle meetings with the community in 2018.

BCHD has offered to meet with leaders of the “community group” that is opposing the project ( “Beach Cities Health District’s Tom Bakaly calls for Healthy Living Campus detractors to meet”), but they refuse to have a conversation with us.


Q: Will BCHD be a tenant at the Healthy Living Campus, paying rent for space?

A: BCHD has successfully managed land lease deals with the 510 and 520 Prospect Ave. Buildings to help provide revenue for the free programs and services we provide to residents. For the 514 building, the details are still being worked out and paying for space is a likely scenario. It’s important to note that BCHD will receive rent from its (to be announced) PACE partner, effectively reimbursing BCHD for use of the space.


Q: What is BCHD’s overall budget?

A: In FY21-22, BCHD had a $13.9 million budget and received $4.3 million in property taxes. Other incoming funding incudes is a mix of leases (42%), limited partnerships (9%), user fees from AdventurePlex and Center for Health & Fitness (2%) and investments and other revenues (13%). 

During the 2021-22 fiscal year, BCHD spent 61% of its budget ($8.5 million) on programs, services and grants. Administrative costs, including salaries, made up 18% of BCHD's expenses. 

As part of District policy, BCHD provides a compensation program that is competitive, legally compliant, and equitable. The pay structures conform with California minimum wage standards and the pay grade assignments maintain internal equity for hourly, non-exempt, exempt, and management jobs. A compensation consultant reviews the compensation structure and ensures alignment with the organization structure, job content, market trends, and other developments. Currently, most BCHD salaries are at or below the market for comparable positions. 

BCHD’s staff positions are established by considering similar job classifications and qualifications standards to assure that the job would be assigned to a pay grade that was competitive and aligned appropriately using the District's major internal job evaluation factors.


Myth vs Fact

With Beach Cities Health District’s Healthy Living Campus in the Conditional Use phase, we’re here to help separate myths from the facts.



The Healthy Living Campus project will be “a privately owned residential facility for the elderly.”  FACT. False. The plan is a public-private partnership (P3) – a finance model that utilizes private investments in public projects to bolster taxpayers’ return on investment. The result: Taxpayers pay less for the programs and services they are receiving, while also benefitting from the improvement on the community asset. In this case, the project would include a youth wellness center focused on mental health, facilities for dozens of vital community health programs, more than two acres of green space, and senior living facilities.
BCHD spends 50% of property taxes on executive pay ($2M+ annual).

FACT: Regarding salaries, this claim distorts BCHD’s budget numbers and misrepresents the impact of employee salaries to the total budget.

In FY 21-22, BCHD received $4.3 million in property taxes and spent $8.5 million, (61% of its $13.9 million budget) on programs, services and grants. Administrative costs, including salaries, made up 18% of BCHD’s expenses.

BCHD policy calls for a compensation program that is competitive, legally compliant, and equitable. A consultant reviews the compensation structure and ensures alignment with the organization structure, job content, market trends, and other developments. Most BCHD salaries are currently at or below the market for comparable positions.

BCHD does not have the authority to create an assisted living facility. The building must remain a hospital. FALSE. False. As outlined in Section 32121(j) of the California Health and Safety Code, healthcare districts are empowered under state law to establish, maintain and operate healthcare facilities, including retirement programs, services and facilities. Additionally, all elements of the Healthy Living Campus will comply with local zoning regulations.
The proposed Healthy Living Campus is as big as the Crypto.Com Arena (nee Staples Center) in Los Angeles.

FACT. False. According to the Los Angeles Sports Council, the Crypto.com Area/Staples Center itself is 950,000 square feet, not including parking, and 150 feet high. The Healthy Living Campus – including the proposed parking structure – is estimated to be 792,520 square feet, according to Paul Murdoch Architects, with the tallest portion of the building being 83 feet. Using an “apples to apples” comparison (i.e., no parking), Crypto.Com Arena/Staples Center is double the size of the 473,020-square foot structure planned for the Healthy Living Campus.

Crypto.com building (without parking) 950,000 sq ft
HLC building (without parking) 473,020 sq ft


BCHD has ignored a petition from 1,200 surrounding residents

FACT. False. The organizers of the petition effort sent the petition to BCHD on June 8, 2021, two days before the end of the comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Report.

By the time the petition was sent to BCHD, the design of the project had changed due to input from the public and expert consultants, making many of the concerns listed in the petition irrelevant or out-of-date. BCHD responded to the petition in the same way as other DEIR comments, via the Final EIR.

Seventy percent (802) of the signatures are from outside the Beach Cities, including Torrance, Gardena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Lomita and others.

Beach Cities Health District, one of the leading preventive health agencies in the nation, is working with the community to reimagine our aging, former hospital site to better reflect our mission and meet the current health needs of Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach and Redondo Beach residents. In pursuit of this vision, since May 2017 we’ve collected feedback from the community, consulted with experts and publicly vetted numerous designs and concepts for the 11-acre site with our board of directors.

This once-in-a-generation project is our community’s unique opportunity to chart the future of health in the Beach Cities by purposefully building a vibrant campus where people of all ages can engage in healthy behaviors, form meaningful connections and be well … for many years to come.


Frequently Asked Questions

About the Project

The proposed Healthy Living Campus project transforms our aging 11-acre medical campus in Redondo Beach into a modern intergenerational venue that will provide a blend of wellness, prevention and research for current and future generations.

In May 2017, BCHD began devising plans to update the campus, which stretches from Diamond Street to Beryl Street and Prospect Avenue to Flagler Lane. Since then, there have been four revisions based on input from more than 60 public meetings and more than 1,000 comments; from financial, seismic and architectural experts; and from public surveys, trade-off discussions and, ultimately, the Environmental Impact Report.  

In November 2021, the BCHD Board of Director approved the campus Master Plan, which includes:

  • A Youth Wellness Center for ages 12-25 to address mental health, substance use and life skills
  • More than two acres of active green space to replace asphalt
  • Residential Care for the Elderly (RCFE) units reduced from 420 to 217, including memory care
  • No planned RCFE units on the Torrance-facing side of the campus
  • Bike and pedestrian paths
  • A new energy-efficient, seismically compliant medical office building
  • Building heights limited to 83 feet and under (the tallest building on the current campus is 76 feet)
  • Minimized construction time dipping from nine to five years in two phases (instead of three)
  • Phase Two – Community Wellness Pavilion, aquatics and new Center for Health and Fitness

The intergenerational campus – with services ranging from a Youth Wellness Center (for ages 12 – 25) to residential care options for aging residents who want to remain in the Beach Cities – will create a funding source for preventive health programs and services for residents of all ages. Additionally, the Healthy Living Campus will feature a host of projects designed specifically to benefit the community at large, including:

  • Replacing acres of asphalt parking with active green/gathering space for community uses like fitness events, farmer’s markets and community workshops
  • Flexible presentation and community meeting spaces for conferences, workshops, trainings, events, Moais and support groups
  • Demonstration kitchens and gardens for cooking and nutrition classes
  • Phase two would include a new community exercise center (Center for Health & Fitness and aquatics center

Additional benefits include:

  • Creating up to 300 full-time staff jobs on the campus and more than 200 construction jobs

The bike path is a separate project from the Healthy Living Campus and has received Measure M funds. Learn more about the bike path at: https://www.bchd.org/healthpolicy.

In Southern California, earthquakes are a fact of life -- we must be prepared. Seismic experts determined the 60-year-old hospital building (514 N. Prospect Ave.) on our campus has seismic and structural issues common with structures built in the 1950s and '60s. While a seismic upgrade is not required by law at this time, the BCHD Governing Board opted to take a proactive approach to address these seismic issues in consideration of the building’s residents, employees and visitors.

The City of Redondo Beach’s current General Plan speaks to this seismic hazard, specifying the “non-ductile concrete frame building” and this type of “sensitive” use to be either “upgraded, relocated or phased out.” Information about seismic hazards is included in the Geology and Soils section of the Draft EIR, and seismic studies of the 514 building are located here (include hyperlink).

Based on Project Pillars developed by the BCHD board of directors, six project objectives were established, including:

  • Eliminate seismic safety and other hazards of the former South Bay Hospital Building (514 N. Prospect Ave.)

The Center for Health and Fitness (CHF) is a membership-based facility, open to residents of the Beach Cities as well as people who reside in other communities. 

The Center for Health and Fitness is one of the few fitness facilities in the South Bay that provide membership through Medicaid/Medicare (e.g., Silver Sneakers and Silver & Fit), helping fill this gap in health services. As of April 2023, there are 1,604 Silver members at CHF (70% of membership) and BCHD subsidizes these accounts while receiving a percentage from Medicaid/Medicare.   

CHF programming is overseen by a medical advisory committee consisting of local physicians and our medically based programming is designed to help keep members living independently in their homes, while helping to lower health costs by keeping them out of the hospital.

Currently, Beach Cities residents comprise 71% of the Center’s 2300 members. Torrance residents make up 16% of membership at the Center for Health and Fitness with 13% hailing from other communities.

Much like the South Bay Hospital served residents and those from other communities, BCHD’s Center for Health & Fitness does the same. Public libraries, parks, universities and other taxpayer-supported facilities and services often serve both residents and non-residents alike. 

CHF members benefit from the comfortable, welcoming environment at this outstanding fitness facility – the only fitness center in California accredited by the Medical Fitness Association – here in our Beach Cities community.

While BCHD's focus is on residents of the Beach Cities, a number of BCHD services (e.g., Free Fitness events, the Center for Health & Fitness, last year's COVID-19 vaccinations and testing) are available to people from outside the three cities we serve.

Much like the South Bay Hospital served residents and those from other communities, BCHD’s campus will do the same. Public libraries, parks, universities and other taxpayer-supported facilities and services often serve both residents and non-residents alike. We believe residents will benefit from having these resources in close proximity to their homes and in the Beach Cities community.

From the Healthy Living Campus Environmental Impact Report (EIR): “The MDS Market Study identifies that a large majority (i.e., 70 percent) of the proposed Assisted Living program and Memory Care community would come from within five miles of campus.” That five-mile radius covers the entirety of the three Beach Cities. The study also estimates that around 39% of RCFE tenants will have ties to District residents, including 20-30% from current Health District residents and another 6%-9% from older parents of current Health District residents.

The estimated active construction timeline has been reduced from nine years to five years and from three phases to two phases. Phase one active construction time is approximately 29 months, with Phase two expected to take 28 months.

Yes. On August 8, 2022, in a special meeting, the Beach Cities Health District (BCHD) Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve the selection of a developer, operator and design/build team for the proposed Healthy Living Campus. 

PMB, which has developed more than 100 health care projects, and Watermark, the ninth largest senior living operator in the U.S., will be the developer and operator, respectively, for the Residential Care for the Elderly (RCFE) facility on the BCHD campus. PMB/Watermark included a design-build team in their final proposal: Callison RTKL, a multinational design-build architecture firm that’s worked on more than 100 projects in and around Los Angeles; and Suffolk Construction, with 39 years of general contracting experience across the U.S., including the design of more than 800 senior living units in California, round out the collaborative effort.

The Electrical Schematic Design for the campus is still under development, but there are some basic criteria available, according to Lucci & Associates, Inc., Consulting Electrical Engineers.

  • A diesel engine powered generator(s) will be utilized for only the Emergency Power requirements at the BCHD facility.  It will only be used when utility power is not available and the “genset” (short for generator set, a generator and engine combination) will be sized for and connected only to the essential loads as defined by the usage of the facility. 
  • The final design capacity of the generator(s) has not been established at this time but is estimated somewhere in the 2 to 4-MW range, which would equate to either one or two 2-MW gensets for this application.
  • The diesel driven generator(s) will be provided with a “scrubber” as mandated by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD).  The scrubber is an “add on” to the diesel engine which will limit pollutant and gases from the diesel engine to a level prescribed by SCAQMD to maintain air quality.  These scrubbers are primarily employed in areas near schools, hospitals, and other “sensitive areas” as required by SCAQMD. The SCAQMD will hold public hearings of the neighboring area when the diesel driven genset application is submitted by BCHD for approval.  No approval of the equipment will be accepted by SCAQMD until the hearings have been completed to their satisfaction.
  • A sound attenuating enclosure will be provided for the genset to reduce sound levels and a minimum 12-foot-high concrete wall will be provided around the electrical equipment pad to further reduce the prime mover noise to the surrounding area.  An acoustical study by an Acoustician will be conducted with recommendations to reduce the acoustical signature of the diesel driven genset to the surrounding area.
  • An above-ground fuel storage tank will be provided with a minimum of 72 hours of full load capacity.  Final calculations and design have not been completed, but 72 hours of diesel fuel in a double wall above-ground tank will be the minimum capacity.  The fuel tank will be located inside the same concrete enclosure as the genset with easy road access for refueling.
  • The genset will be “operated or exercised” at least once per month (without load) for approximately 15 minutes (to allow it to reach operating temperature).  The time frame for this will be during middle of the day when normal noise levels are highest.  Annually, the genset will be connected to a load bank and tested to ensure the ability of the genset to operate to capacity when required.

As the electrical design of this system is clarified, we will be able to provide additional information concerning the project's electrical systems.


View electrical yard site plan here.

Plan detail image here.

Taking a regional approach, BCHD was able to apply and receive a $2 million grant from the State, bringing needed professional mental health resources to our youth. Our young people are facing a mental health crisis – 50% of all lifetime cases of mental illness start by age 14; 79% do not have access to care; and in the Beach Cities 18% of our Beach Cities 11th graders reported seriously considering attempting suicide within the past 12 months.

allcove Beach Cities operations is funded through the state’s Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission, in partnership with Stanford University’s Center for Youth Mental Health & Wellbeing, to provide more access to mental health services for young people ages 12-25. It is located in the heart of Redondo Beach, both in its temporary locations and in the future Healthy Living Campus.

A pricing schedule has not yet been determined, but will ultimately be consistent with prevailing market rates. The Board has discussed offering 10 percent of the RCFE units at below market rates.

BCHD retained MDS Market Research to conduct market studies evaluating the feasibility of a proposed assisted living and memory care community in Redondo Beach. Field work and analysis were originally completed in April 2016 and updated in August 2018 and May 2019.  

The May 2019 report states: “There is sufficient size and depth of the qualified target market (older adults needing help with Activities of Daily Living, or ADLs) to prudently introduce the proposed new assisted living units and memory care beds into the Redondo Beach area - from a quantitative perspective.” 

The MDS Report projects the number of Beach Cities residents 75 years and older requiring assistance with ADLs (e.g., bathing, dressing, toileting, etc.) to be:

   2021: 9,911 (32.1% of the 75-plus population)

   2024: 10,458 (31.7%)

The MDS market studies are available at www.bchdcampus.org/campus, listed under “Project Materials.” 

Additionally, a Public Policy Institute of California report found that more than one million seniors statewide will require some assistance with self care. 

A Bureau of Labor Statistics report states the need for long-term support and services will increase 41% over the next decade.

The decades-long BCHD model will continue to provide free programs and services to Beach Cities residents through public/private partnerships. Therefore, any potential revenue generated by the Healthy Living Campus will be reinvested in the community through services like school health programs, senior care, health grants and more. 

Using this model, in FY 2020-2021 Beach Cities residents received a $3.01-to-$1 return on their property tax investment in BCHD.

BCHD has a history of partnering and/or facilitating leases for health services, like Sunrise Assisted Living, Silverado Memory Care, Beach Cities Surgery Center, UCLA Health and South Bay Family Health Care -- a federally qualified health center. 

For example, BCHD recently facilitated a loan of up to $600,000 to upgrade South Bay Family Health Care on Artesia Blvd., which improved the quality of health care for lower income adults in the Beach Cities. 

Questions and general feedback about the Project can be emailed to HLCinfo@bchd.org or submitted directly to BCHD staff using our online comment card. Community outreach contact: Dan Smith, BCHD communications manager, at (310) 374-3426, ext. 8156.

Property taxes comprised 25% of BCHD’s annual revenue for FY 2018-19, according to the District’s audited financial report. BCHD's budget also includes: revenues from leases (32%), Health & Fitness operations (18%), limited partnerships (13%), interest and other revenue (12%). 

(Note: BCHD's 2018-19 audited financial report received a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the U.S. & Canada and an Operating Budget Award for Excellence from the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers.)

As part of District policy, BCHD provides a compensation program that is competitive, legally compliant, and equitable. The pay structures conform with California minimum wage standards and the pay grade assignments maintain internal equity for hourly, non-exempt, exempt, and management jobs. 

BCHD's communications budget, which includes salaries, print publications, mailers to residents, flyers for programs and services, advertising, health promotion, website and more, made up five percent of BCHD’s overall budget.

Fact: In May 2017, BCHD began working closely with the community to reimagine our medical campus. This process led to four different plans, an in-depth Environmental Impact Report and the project being approved in November 2021 with a 5-0 vote by the BCHD Board of Directors.

Next steps include the selection of an operator for the Residential Care for the Elderly facility and awarding a design-build construction contract.

Fact: The overall square footage of the campus buildings has decreased nearly 11% from the 2019 Draft Master Plan. Additionally, the footprint of the project has shifted closer to the Vons shopping center to address concerns expressed by nearby neighbors.

Fact: The tentative start for Healthy Living Campus construction will be in 2023.

Fact: BCHD has served the health of our community for more than 60 years, with the past two decades focused on preventive wellness. Because 70% of all chronic diseases are preventable, the modern Healthy Living Campus will be fully dedicated to wellness, research and prevention.

  • BCHD preventive health programs and services have earned visits from the U.S. Surgeon General and L.A. County Department of Public Health and garnered universal acclaim.
  • A report by the Little Hoover Commission, California’s Independent State Oversight Agency, cited BCHD as a “model for transitioning California’s (79) healthcare districts to preventive care.”

Fact: BCHD’s budgetary practices are available to the public online and the budget is reviewed by its resident advisory Finance Committee and discussed at public Board meetings. An annual report with an overview is also mailed to Beach Cities households each year. Budgets are submitted annually to the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers for review. BCHD continues to be the only California health district (to meet these standards of excellence and has received 17 CSMFO Excellence or Meritorious Awards since the 2007-2008 fiscal year. BCHD is also the recipient of a Transparency Certificate of Excellence from the Special District Leadership Foundation.

The 1,178-page Environmental Impact Report (certified in September 2021)  assesses and analyzes any impacts associated with the proposed Healthy Living Campus upgrade as well as mitigations to reduce them. A brief overview of the findings can be found here: (need link)

BCHD has also conducted more than 60 community meetings and received more than 1,000 comments from residents regarding the campus, which has resulted in a variety of modifications, including decreasing building heights, moving construction away from the eastern/Torrance-facing border, shortening construction time and adding active green space to the overall plan.

BCHD staff conferred with Redondo Beach planning staff multiple times to guide the project’s conceptual planning efforts.

The following information is from BCHD's CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) attorney:

"In the course of planning a redevelopment project, it is natural and beneficial to all parties for the project proponent to confer with the local agencies that will be asked to review and approve the project. It is also natural and beneficial to both parties for a Lead Agency under CEQA to confer with a Responsible Agency about the respective roles of the two agencies. CEQA anticipates, encourages, and requires early consultation among agencies – lead agencies (like BCHD), responsible agencies, trustee agencies, Native American tribes – both formal and informal consultation. These provisions are found in Public Resources Code sections 21080.3, 21080.3.1, 21080.3.2, and 21080.4, and in CEQA Guidelines sections 15060.5, 15082, 15083, and 15086. 

See PRC 21080.3(a), (“Prior to determining whether a negative declaration or environmental impact report is required for a project, the lead agency shall consult with all responsible and trustee agencies.  Prior to that required consultation, the lead agency may informally contact any of those agencies.”)  

Consultation with the City of Redondo Beach at the initial stages of the planning process for the Healthy Living Campus Redevelopment Project is prudent and essential to ensure that the CEQA process, the resulting EIR, and the application materials prepared for City review, all meet the City’s needs as Responsible Agency and reviewing body." 

Wood PLC is an experienced, global leader in the delivery of project management, engineering, consulting and environmental (CEQA) services to a variety of clients across the globe. Wood operates in more than 60 countries, employing around 55,000 people and was selected by a committee of BCHD staff and CWG members. 

Residential Care for the Elderly

Yes. As outlined in Section 32121(j) of the California Health and Safety Code, healthcare districts are empowered under state law to establish, maintain and operate healthcare facilities, including retirement programs, services and facilities. Additionally, all elements of the Healthy Living Campus will comply with local zoning regulations.

On the Healthy Living Campus, RCFE will consist of memory care and assisted living units.

Memory care currently exists on the BCHD campus, with Silverado operating 60 units (120 beds) of specialized care for people living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Assisted Living, designed to be “home-like” with private or semi-private apartment-style rooms, provides a continuum of long-term care services, including housing, personal care services and health care for individuals who need assistance with normal daily activities (bathing, meals, etc.). Assisted living residents often receive help with meal preparation, laundry and medication management, and, in general, the care provided is at a lower acuity and residents have a higher level of independence than the patients in skilled nursing facilities.

Yes, and a critical need considering 61 million Baby Boomers (born from 1946 – 1964) will be at least 66 years old by 2030. According to the peer-reviewed journal Health Affairs, one of the most important public health discoveries in recent years is the degree to which one’s physical environment (home) influences health status and premature mortality. This is especially true for the more vulnerable senior population.

As has been the BCHD model for decades, any potential revenue generated will be reinvested in the Beach Cities through community health programs and services like school gardens, senior care management, health grants, anti-obesity programming and substance-use prevention in schools. Currently, BCHD provides $3.50 in programs and services for every tax dollar received. In addition to administering more than 40 critical health programs in the Beach Cities, here are a few examples of the outside programs and services BCHD also helps fund through this financial model:

  • Healthy Schools Service Agreements with HBCSD, MBUSD and RBUSD to fund counseling, nurses/health aides, substance use prevention, physical education and MindUP
  • Senior Health Fund
  • Manhattan and Redondo Beach Paramedic Services
  • Manhattan Beach Community Counseling Center
  • St. Paul United Methodist Church
  • The Salvation Army Meals on Wheels
  • Manhattan Beach CERT
  • South Bay Children’s Health Center
  • Cancer Support Community
  • Redondo Beach Rotary Vision to Learn
  • 7 Micro Enrichment Grants


Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, or PACE, is a Medicare and Medicaid program that helps people meet their health care needs while aging gracefully in their home/community instead of moving into a nursing home or other care facility.

With PACE, a team of health care professionals works with patients and their families to assure properly coordinated care is provided. The healthcare teams typically work with a small number of older adults, so they really get to know their patients while providing medical care, medication management and adult health care services. For more information about PACE visit, https://bchdcampus.org/pace-and-rcfe


BCHD is partnering with Stanford University’s allcove centers, which are designed to destigmatize mental health issues for youth (ages 12 – 25) and provide a network of free/low-cost mental health centers, to produce a Youth Wellness Center called allcove Beach Cities as part of the Healthy Living Campus. The Center offers mental and physical health resources, education, employment, peer and family support and substance use prevention programs.


  • BCHD has not requested a zone change for the proposed project. The main campus is zoned P-CF (Community Facility) and the vacant lot located on Flagler Lane is zoned C-2 (Commercial).
  • A conditional use permit (CUP) is already in place for the 514 Prospect Ave. building, addressing the 120 residents living at Silverado Memory Care. The proposed project - like other improvements made in the past - would require a CUP under existing code. Also, a CUP does not require a vote of the people.

As part of District policy, BCHD provides a compensation program that is competitive, legally compliant, and equitable. The pay structures conform with California minimum wage standards and the pay grade assignments maintain internal equity for hourly, non-exempt, exempt, and management jobs.

A compensation consultant reviews the compensation structure and ensures alignment with the organization structure, job content, market trends, and other developments.

For instance, the CEO salary range was established by considering similar job classifications and qualifications stands to assure that the job assigned to a pay grade that was competitive and aligned appropriately using the District's major internal job evaluation factors.

By certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the District’s Healthy Living Campus Master Plan, the BCHD Board of Directors verified the document complies with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The vote was taken Sept. 8, 2021 and the Board was 5-0 in favor of certification following two and a half hours of presentations, board deliberations and public comments. More than 300 public comments and responses were included in the 1,778-page Final EIR.

For more information visit bchdcampus.org/eir.

The Final EIR and its appendices are available at https://www.bchdcampus.org/eir. That page also has information about the various steps BCHD has taken as part of the EIR process.